Friday, July 16, 2010

Is It In You

God, at times, can seem so far away. Understanding His plan for our lives seems complicated. The church establishment seems to create more questions than answers. Let me help you clear up some of the confusion.

First ask God for forgiveness of your sins. You may think that's corny or not cool but you've got to do it. Second believe that Jesus Christ is Gods only son, it's ok if you have questions but the only way we have access to God is because of what Christ did for us on the cross. Jesus provides that access for you and me. Third say it; Jesus I want you to live in my life, come into my heart, make me into the kind of person you want me to be. To have Christ in your heart you have to say it yourself, no one can do it for you. He'll change you from the inside out.

Seems too simple doesn't it but God says if you want to have eternal life you first have to know His son Christ Jesus. All your talents and all that you live for are because of who God made you to be. If you are wondering who God wants you to be just ask Him, he will show you, it's in a book called the Bible. You can do it. Get around other people who believe it, they can help. If you have questions about where people that believe in Jesus are just ask me and I can help point you to Bible believing Christ followers.

Don't put it off, do it today.

1 comment:

Laurel Ridges said...

It's nice to hear the "back-to-basics" message. No politics, no opinion, just the truth.